Umniah Sponsors Jordan Engineers Association’s Conference on Industrial Engineering Amman, Jordan, 20 November 2019: Umniah has announced its sponsorship of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial, Systems and Manufacturing Engineering (ISME’19), organized by the Mechanical Engineering Division of the Society of Industrial Engineers, at the Grand Hyatt Amman Hotel on the 11th and the 12th of November. Umniah’s sponsorship of this conference is in line with its efforts to strengthen its partnership with the Jordan Engineers Association (JEA), which began in 2011, working continuously to develop this relationship, by offering a diverse array of high-quality mobile, home internet and fiber, and enterprise solutions, which have helped support and develop the work of this vital sector, in addition to expanding its customer base among Jordanian engineers. Umniah briefed the Jordanian engineers who participated in this two-day conference on its leading role and expertise in the field of telecommunications services and integrated business solutions. The company showcased a range of its services, with the latest exclusive offers for engineers in Jordan, at competitive prices. Commenting on this sponsorship, Umniah’s CEO Ziad Shatara expressed Umniah’s pride in its effective and fruitful partnership with the Jordan Engineers Association (JEA), which has been ongoing for more than 8 years. Shatara explained the company’s keenness to provide support and sponsorship to various events and sectors, while contributing to the advancement of the local community, driving economic growth, and promoting sustainable and comprehensive development. Shatara stressed the importance of the conference topics that address industrial engineering and manufacturing and their role in improving work methods, increasing the efficiency of production processes, and improving the quality of products and services. Shatara clarified that these are the same objectives that Umniah works to provide to all segments of the Jordanian society, both individuals and companies, through the unique and high value-added services it offers. JEA’s President Ahmad Samara Al-Zoubi praised the efforts made by Umniah to support the conferences and seminars organized by Jordan Engineers Association (JEA) for its members, expressing his appreciation for this partnership, which is in the interest of both engineers and the engineering sector in general. Al-Zoubi noted that Jordan Engineers Association (JEA) is always striving to provide the best and latest services to its members, with the aim of helping them develop and advance their work, pointing out that the partnership with Umniah has reinforced this goal in terms of providing the best and latest telecommunication services and business solutions to JEA members. -End-
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