February xx. 2018 – Amman, Jordan: Umniah, a subsidiary of Bahrain-based Batelco Group, has asserted its continued mission and strategy in providing international-standard information security services. The telecom giant understands the need to provide suitable protection systems for both public and private establishments, which now conduct many of their operations and activities online, and increasingly depend on technology. This dependence exposes these institutions to growing security threats, in turn affecting their reliability, reputation and profitability. Seeing as financial institutions in general and the banking sector in particular fall within Umniah’s sphere of interest, the company announced its sponsorship of the Jordan Forum on Cyber Security. The forum, which was held in Amman on February 6 and 7, was organized by the Union of Arab Banks in cooperation with the Central Bank of Jordan and the Association of Banks in Jordan. Umniah’s sponsorship of this regional conference, which was kicked off by Governor of the Central Bank of Jordan Dr. Ziad Fariz, reflects the company’s position as the first communications service provider to offer top-of-the-line protection systems for banks and financial institutions against electronic threats. Also at the conference, protective measures for banks and financial institutions against cyber threats were discussed, helping companies safeguard the integrity of information in their possession from the increasing frequency of electronic crimes and fraud that has arisen due to the widespread use of modern communication methods and exchange systems. There was a focus on the importance of adopting and developing cyber security strategies, as well as cooperation and coordination between government public and private institutions. Also on the table was the establishment a response team to deal with cyber threats for the financial and banking sectors, helping to reinforce their security measures. Speaking at the Jordan Forum on Cyber Security, Umniah CEO Ziad Shatara said, “Umniah’s sponsorship of this forum is due to its belief in the importance of its mission. In the sessions that have taken place over the past two days, we had in-depth discussions on electronic security threats, which have seen a noticeable increase over the past few years due to the increased sophistication of cyber-attacks.” Shatara went on to add, “This conference and its discussion papers are of great significance to Umniah, which is the first and most innovative company in the field of communications in Jordan.” The company provides information security and protection services through its Security Operation Center (SOC) that offers round-the-clock services throughout the year, and is staffed by qualified and trained personnel who monitor and protect institutions from potential electronic threats, which saves time, effort and expenses. Umniah’s SOC was recently awarded the ISO 27001 certification, which emphasizes the center’s consistent measures and procedures to preserve the privacy of client information, and uses secure processes when exchanging information and data. These methods reinforce customer satisfaction and trust, as well as manage and reduce risk levels.
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