February xx, 2022 – Amman, Jordan: Umniah announced a partnership agreement with Martha Education Foundation, through which the telecom will produce a series of short videos about Arabic sign language, a move that is in line with its consistent support of people with disabilities.
According to the agreement signed by Umniah Chief Commercial Officer Zaid Al-Ibrahim and Martha Education Foundation Co-Founder and CEO Ehab Kahwaty, Martha Education will provide training and awareness workshops to Umniah employees, a professional sign language/ licensed Arabic interpreter during work hours at Umniah showrooms, as well as update its website to make it more accessible to the hearing impaired. Martha’s team will also review and proofread advertising texts by Umniah to ensure they are simple, easy and understandable as well as consistent with Arabic sign language translations.
Commenting on the agreement, Al-Ibrahim commended Martha Education Foundation’s efforts in supporting people with hearing disabilities to communicate through a smartphone app that uses augmented reality as well as learn sign language, adding that the company had previously been incubated at The Tank, Umniah’s business incubator.
Al-Ibrahim said that signing the agreement comes directly in line with Umniah’s corporate social responsibility strategy, which works tirelessly to support and empower people with disabilities, ensuring they have access to and enjoy the same rights as everyone else. Umniah will provide sign language in all of its showrooms across the country and make tablets available at all its showrooms for live translation of sign language.
At the signing, Martha Education Foundation Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer Rasha Abu Shakhdam thanked Umniah for its support during the company’s incubation at The Tank, adding that this partnership agreement is a reflection Umniah’s conviction in foundation’s message.
Martha Education Foundation’s co-founders said that when implementing the agreement, the company will strive to represent Umniah’s mission in an optimal manner in view of its leading role in supporting and empowering people with disabilities in the Kingdom.
Martha Education Foundation is a leading social enterprise that uses cutting-edge education technologies to promote literacy among deaf children and their families through an interactive learning experience in Arabic sign language supported in both Arabic and English. It also provides services to the private sector, institutions and community organizations to integrate persons with disabilities and promote Arabic sign language.
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