Umniah’s The Tank Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Riyadah Radio

March 2023

December 30, 2020 – Amman, Jordan: The Tank, Umniah’s business incubator, has announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Riyadah Radio, which will see the two institutions work on developing a bilateral cooperation framework to increase awareness about entrepreneurship and motivate Jordanian’s youth to launch innovative entrepreneurial projects. Riyadah, a radio station that focuses on spreading the culture of entrepreneurship for both business and social purposes, also works to increase and encourage positivity, creativity, innovation, technology and volunteering among the country’s youth.


According to the MoU, The Tank will promote Riyadah Radio on all its platforms as well as on its social media channels, in addition to linking up the broadcaster with Umniah’s youth unit in a bid to help them broadcast information about their activities. Riyadah Radio programmers and presenters will also prepare and use content published on Umniah’s blog, The 8Log, on subjects including leadership and technology, with a number of contests and giveaways also in the works.


Also as part of the MoU, Riyadah Radio will offer its listeners full coverage of The Tank’s activities, including interviews with industry leaders on issues involving the country’s entrepreneurship environment, the incubator’s services and programs, as well as success stories that have emerged from the incubator.


Speaking at the signing, Riyadah Radio Executive Director Amer Ahmed said that this partnership with The Tank is a big step for the broadcaster, allowing it to reach the largest possible number of youths nationwide. The cooperation agreement with Umniah is particularly important due to the telecom’s significant role with Jordan’s youth, providing them with motivation, positivity as well as promoting a culture of entrepreneurship both locally and regionally. Through its work, the radio station has also been making strides to becoming the voice of confidence, leadership and enterprise in Jordan and the Arab world, with this MoU allowing it to further its reach.


Also at the signing, Umniah CEO Ziad Shatara said, “This dynamic partnership with Riyadah Radio will continue to spread the culture of entrepreneurship, encouraging the country’s youth to seek innovative and ambitious ideas to launch their projects, which are the backbone of the national economy.” Shatara also spoke of The Tank’s pioneering role to support and strengthen the entrepreneurship environment in the Kingdom, providing valuable integrated incubation services that have allowed entrepreneurs to turn ideas into workable, successful projects. According to Shatara, The Tank will continue to harness its powers in order to serve the national economy by supporting startups, embarking of partnerships and creating opportunities.



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