Umniah Offers All Employees Free Medical Check-ups November 10, 2018 – Amman, Jordan: Umniah, in line with its strategy to consistently provide its employees with a safe and healthy work environment, recently offered all its employees free and comprehensive medical check-ups. The check-ups, which took place over the course of two weeks, included tests for vision, blood pressure, physical and muscular health as well as other tests related to the nature of their field or office work. Speaking on the occasion, Umniah CEO Ziad Shatara said, “Because of our commitment to our staff and our responsibilities towards them, we offer these general check-ups to all our employees. We are dedicated to do our part to help them maintain their good health and general safety, in addition to raising the levels of health awareness among them.” He went on to add, “We encourage all our team members to make use of the free medical facilities available to them, helping them detect any physical issues early in order for them to remedy any issues they have at the earliest possible stages.” He also added that the initiative is part of the company’s continued efforts in the field of public health and safety, and a way to bridge and reinforce its relationship with all its employees. Shatara took the opportunity to mention that Umniah has been recognized with the OHSAS 18001 certification, which relates to the management of professional health and safety. The certification demonstrates that the company’s policies, controls and procedures work to ensure that the best practices adopted by Umniah in the work environment are compatible with international standards. – End-
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