June 15, 2022 – Amman, Jordan: Umniah, in partnership with Queen Rania Foundation initiative Madrasati, recently inaugurated the playground of the Al-Fateh Secondary School for Boys in Jabal Al-Taj as part of its Forsa initiative in the presence of the Ministry of Education Secretary-General for Administrative and Financial Affairs Dr. Najwa Al-Qbeilat.
The day also included the participation of 60 students in a two-hour competition under the supervision of a team of volunteers from Umniah’s UVolunteer program in cooperation with Nahno, the national youth engagement and volunteering platform launched by the Crown Prince Foundation.
Umniah also partnered with Madrasati for a teacher’s workshop at the Al-Fateh Secondary School for Boys that introduced participants to Forsa’s vision as well as ways to offer students a heightened learning environment, how to incorporate innovative resources into their teaching and the development of activity-based educational opportunities that cultivate creative thinking.
At the event, Dr. Qbeilat spoke of her appreciation for Umniah’s initiative, which will have a tangible impact on school playgrounds and outdoor spaces while simultaneously advancing academic achievements and promoting physical, mental and social health. According to Dr. Qbeilat, the renovated outdoor spaces will also allow students to improve their skills and will provide a safe space for extra-curricular activities. Dr. Qbeilat went on to add that the Forsa initiative is directly in line with the education ministry’s efforts to create a stimulating and appealing learning environment for students.
Also during the event, Umniah Head of Corporate Communications and Innovation Ziad Asfour said that Forsa is directly in line with Umniah’s corporate social responsibility strategy, which supports and implements long-term projects that have a sustainable impact on local communities, with a special focus on the educational sector due to its importance in advancing sustainable and comprehensive development. Asfour went on to add that Forsa has championed the physical, mental and psychological health and safety of students by creating a suitable and stimulating school environment for sports activities by restoring and renovating playgrounds at a number of government schools.
Umniah’s JD1 million five-year Forsa initiative was launched at the end of 2021 in cooperation with the Ministry of Education to renovate and repair public school playgrounds, offering children more inclusive athletic opportunities, especially after the coronavirus pandemic.
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