October 26, 2021 – Amman, Jordan: Umniah has partnered with the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) and the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF) to raise awareness about the annual breast cancer screening campaign offered by the Jordan Breast Cancer Program through a dialogue session entitled “Think Pink” for TRC employees. The initiative, which falls under Umniah Al-Khair program and is part of the company’s strategy to support the local community and stress the importance of early diagnosis, coincided with Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For 2021, the Jordan Breast Cancer Program launched its initiative for the year under the slogan “Have You Had Your Mammogram?”
Every year during October, which was designated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month by the World Health Organization in order to raise awareness about the disease, Umniah organizes and sponsors initiatives and events that highlight the importance of periodic screening to detect breast cancer, which increases early detection rates, improves response to treatment and raises cure rates.
The dialogue session, which was held at the TRC’s auditorium, revolved around three main themes, including fighting cancer and early detection during which Dr. Maysam Akroush of the Mediterranean Basin Association for Cancer Control spoke about prevention methods through a healthy and balanced lifestyle, as well early detection through self-examination by Dr. Yasar Qutaiba from the King Hussein Cancer Center.
Umniah CSR & Innovation Manager Nicole Shahin moderated the third discussion and was joined by cancer survivors Lina Kawamleh and Aida Nashwan from the TRC, who related their inspirational stories about their experiences with cancer and how they faced the disease with determination, will and strength with the support of family, relatives, friends and colleagues.
Shahin went on to stress the importance of open dialogue, which helps shed light on the significance of early detection and ultimately improves cure rates. She also said that Umniah’s support of such activities is directly in line with its strategy to raise awareness and offer assistance and encouragement to those diagnosed with breast cancer, adding that the King Hussein Cancer Center has played a pivotal role in treating and saving the lives of many patients with the disease.
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