Umniah Data Center is the First and Only in Jordan to Grant the Tier III Constructed Facility Certification July xx, 2018 – Amman, Jordan: Umniah, a subsidiary of Batelco Bahrain, is committed to continuously provide its customers with the best ICT services, and in line with this strategy, which aims to scale-up the efficiency and productivity of its client’s information technology (IT) infrastructure. The company announced that its Al-Rashid Data Center has been certified with the Tier III Constructed Facility by Uptime Institute, which makes it the first and only center in the Kingdom to provide actual and examined availability of 99.982%. In addition, this year, the data center has also been awarded the Uptime Institutes’ design certificate; hereby Umniah becomes the first and only Jordanian Telecommunications Company and ICT service provider to receive this honor. The Al-Rashid Data Center provides companies with extraordinary levels of reliability, flexibility, and operational continuity around the clock and throughout the year. The data center also offers an infrastructure management system (DCIM), which provides a holistic view of the facility performance so that energy, cooling and equipment are used as efficiently as possible. Speaking of the certification, Umniah CEO Ziad Shatara said, “This international accreditation is a culmination of Umniah’s outstanding efforts in establishing a data center according to the international standards, achieving the required efficiency to accompany the most cutting-edge technologies with the highest levels of aptitude. We have once again proven our ability to provide the most convenient environment to enterprises to assure their business continuity and operational sustainability without disruption, meanwhile increasing their productivity and profitability through a cost-efficient solution by eliminating the capital expenditures and reducing operational costs.” He went on to add that the center is capable to host enterprises’ IT infrastructure using smart systems and diversified sources of power supplies. Shatara affirmed that this certificate is a considerable achievement for Umniah and a quantum leap in the field of construction and designing data centers that actual work in accordance with the Tier III standard requirements and not according to blueprints only, in a manner that ensures the provision of the best and the most up-to-date services on a continuous. Earlier this year, Umniah’s data center has been awarded the standard specification for information security management system (ISO27001), considered one of the most noteworthy internationally recognized certifications, highly valued in terms of raising the efficiency and quality for relevant companies in the field of IT management. – End –
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