December xx, 2020, Amman, Jordan: On the occasion of the International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development, Umniah’s corporate social responsibility team hosted a virtual seminar entitled “Youth and Volunteering: Challenges, Motives and Future Prospects
As part of the company’s Umniah Al-Khair initiative, the seminar focused on ways to foster the spirit of volunteerism and humanitarianism in the nation’s youth, and was held on December 5 in observation of the annual event, which was ratified by the United Nations General Assembly in 1985 as a show of appreciation for people who donate their time and effort in order to help others. ‘Nahno’ Director Imran Hmoud was joined by All Jordan Youth Commission (AJYC) Coordinator of the Volunteer Unit Amjad AlKremeen, as well as Field Marketing Manager Eyhab Qassir for the seminar, which was moderated by Umniah’s CSR member Rula Nassraween.
The three panelists spoke about volunteerism, its objectives, challenges and future prospects, emphasizing the positive impact it has on individuals, families and communities by promoting a sense of empowerment, inclusion and equality for all. During the seminar, panelists shared success stories achieved through volunteerism from their organizations, as well as discussed how to further Jordan’s integrated and sustainable system for volunteering in order to strengthen the values of social responsibility among the country’s citizens. Speaking during the seminar, Hmoud said that the cutting-edge ‘Nahno’ platform was launched in 2019 by the Crown Prince Foundation, Naua for Sustainable Development and UNICEF Jordan, with Jordan’s Ministry of Youth as a strategic sponsor, with the aim of encouraging volunteering and youth participation as an effective vehicle for change in communities
He added that ‘Nahno’ has seen the participation of thousands of young people, especially since the onset of the global coronavirus pandemic, with a total of more than 400,000 hours donated both in the field and virtually. According to Hmoud, ‘Nahno’ also is working towards merging volunteering and youth participation by establishing partnerships with both the public and private sectors and organizations, which will allow it to provide even greater opportunities. This is all in line with ‘Nahno’s’ firm belief that community service offers youth the chance to acquire new skills, increase their personal and practical experiences, and promises a brighter future for communities.
He expressed the Nahno platform’s belief in the importance of volunteering and its role in providing young people with new skills that increase their practical and personal experiences, indicating that the platform, in cooperation with the organizations that deal with it, gives certificates to volunteers to enrich their Curriculum vitae, especially when applying for job opportunities.
Also at the event, AlKremeen explained that the All Jordan Youth Commission (AJYC) falls under the umbrella of the King Abdullah II Fund for Development, and works towards raising awareness among the country’s youth about national issues and challenges, empowering them to become active and influential partners in Jordan’s economic, social and political life.
He went on to stress the significance of volunteering throughout the coronavirus pandemic, during which the commission organized activities nationwide that included assisting the elderly and people with disabilities shop for their grocery needs, launching a series of awareness campaigns highlighting the need to adhere to health and hygiene regulations that included social distancing and hand sanitation while shopping for basic items, as well as a campaign to distribute in-kind packages, medicine parcels and medical supplies. Volunteers also mentored high school students and worked collectively to sanitize mosques and churches. More recently, thousands of volunteers from the commission participated throughout the electoral process up until Election Day, and were present at all poll centers throughout the Kingdom.
Speaking about Umniah’s Youth Team, Qassir said that since its establishment seven years ago, it has become an integral part of the company’s structure, and has worked with more than 300 female and male students, 200 who have graduated from both public and private universities and who have achieved outstanding success, since entering the local and international job market. Umniah continues to work on developing and advancing their skills through hands-on training and internship opportunities in the company’s departments. Interns are then introduced to Umniah’s numerous corporate social responsibility programs, which allow them to uphold a sense of community, humanitarianism and contribute to building a better future for generations to come.
In her remarks, Nassraween commended the efforts of Jordanian institutions and organizations working in the field of volunteering, and added that International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development is the perfect opportunity to raise awareness about the extent that these contributions have on societies. She went on to explain that through volunteering, communities are strengthened, humanity is heightened and the sense of inclusion is increased. She also applauded the extraordinary efforts exerted by a number of organizations during the coronavirus pandemic, which shut down many economic sectors and had a negative impact on the less advantaged sectors of society. According to Nassraween, Uminah will continue its unflagging support of these organizations through its Umniah Al-Khair initiative.
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