Naua Issues a Report on Umniah’s Social Impact Umniah Succeeds in Making Positive Impact on the Lives of 22,116 citizens in 2019-2020 leading in Health Sector

March 2023

March 21, 2021 – Amman, Jordan: Naua, an initiative launched by the Crown Prince Foundation (CPF), has issued a report highlighting Umniah’s impact on the Jordanian community for the years 2019-2020. The achievements and impact of Umniah were featured under the citizenship axis “The General Social Impact of Umniah 2020”. Umniah ranked first in the category of support offered to the healthcare sector, third in the charitable work/assistance category, and fourth in terms of the value of total support provided to projects through the platform.

According to the report, Naua was able to implement 124 charitable projects during 2020 through the support it received from Umniah and its founding partners, spanning all charitable sectors and directly impacting the lives of 635,307 people throughout the Kingdom.

Umniah’s direct social impact during 2019 and 2020 was seen through implementing 10 charitable projects with direct positive impact on the lives of 22,116 women, children, and less fortunate families, of whom were 6,500 in 2019 and 15,616 people in 2020.

According to the report, Umniah’s contributions led to the achievement of 10 of the United Nations (UN) sustainable development goals (SDG), particularly those targeting the eradication of poverty and hunger, and the improvement of health and education, while 45% of Umniah’s total support through the platform directed at supporting the day laborer project launched during the coronavirus pandemic.

The report also outlined Umniah’s direct impact through projects targeting education, assistance, healthcare and empowerment. Under the umbrella of its Umniah Al-Khair initiative, Umniah offered aid, including basic and emergency needs, through six projects, three supporting daily laborers affected by the coronavirus pandemic and three projects in partnership with Tkiyet Um Ali. Its empowerment projects included support for two projects related to women empowerment through the Jordanian Hashemite Charitable Organization’s (JHCO) Arzaq program. In the education category, Umniah supported the Caravan Razan project, and in the health category it took part in the Royal Health Awareness Society (RHAS) Healthy Schools Project as well as directly donating to the Ministry of Health’s Fund during the pandemic to support the purchase of ventilators for COVID-19 patients and contributions from subscribers through the umnicoin loyalty program.

The report showed that the total value of support by Umniah for these categories was JD260,771, while the company’s total contributions during 2020 totaled JD2 million distributed across a number of sectors. In all, 71.1% of Umniah’s donations went as aid, with 18.2% benefiting the healthcare sector, 6.3% going to empowerment projects, and 4.4% going towards education.

In 2020, due to severe impact of the coronavirus pandemic, Umniah offered its support to three projects in the aid category through Naua platform. Working as part of a coalition of institutions, Umniah took part in the “Their Daily Wage Is On Us” initiative, through which 14,500 people received 225,000 meals for one month. This initiative was also supported through the umnicoin program, through which 160 people were offered 2,160 meals in one month. Through its partnership with the Jordanian Hashemite Charitable Organization (JHCO) in its “Keep Winter Warmer” campaign, 977 people benefited at a cost of JD5743.

Also, according to the report, Umniah was an avid supporter of the Healthy Schools Project implemented by the Royal Health Awareness Society (RHAS), which aims to make the learning environment in targeted schools healthier and safer by digitizing health awareness according to monthly plans, as well as offering workshops to both teachers and students. Through the program, 4,778 students in five schools benefitted, spread across the governorates of Zarqa and Irbid over a period of five years at a cost of JD25,000. Also, within this category, Umniah supported the Jordanian Hashemite Charitable Organization (JHCO) in two projects, through the Arzaq women’s empowerment program, which had a direct impact on 10 women, while the program’s Mother’s Day initiative helped 15 women, all of whom are the main breadwinners of their families. Through the program, women were able to raise their average income to approximately 320 dinars per month.

The report also covered Umniah’s support for Caravan Razan initiative, which works to provide lessons for students in basic subjects, reaching more than 200 students.

The report highlighted Umniah’s belief in the power of volunteering and its effective role in contributing to the advancement of societies, reinforcing the spirit of citizenship and encouraging giving. The company’s institutional culture champions partnerships between the public and private sectors, has driven the company to encourage its employees and Umniah Youth Unit to participate in voluntary works and succeeded in logging in 8,750 hours through 17 volunteer projects aimed to community service. Umniah ranked third among private-sector companies in the field of voluntary work in Jordan on Naua platform, the national platform for volunteering and youth participation.

Umniah has also strengthened its partnership with Nahno platform, which it joined as a strategic founding partner in May 2018, collaborating with it over the past three years, in order to create positive change and a sustainable impact by supporting civil society institutions in facing developmental, economic, and social challenges while simultaneously instilling concepts of a purpose-led culture.


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