

Destination Rates
Minutes to Umniah Unlimited
Minutes to other operators Unlimited
Data Bundle 40 GB Generic
Local Messages 3,000
Monthly Fee 10 JD


Free International Minutes:


Destination Minutes
Egypt 180 Minutes
Bangladesh 1,000 Minutes
India 1,500 Minutes
The Philippines 90 Minutes
Palestine (Ooredoo) 1,000 Minutes


PAYG Fees:


Destination Minutes
Calls to Umniah Unlimited
Calls to Other Operators Unlimited
Data Usage 2 piasters/MB
Local SMS 3 piasters
International SMS 9 piasters
SMS Delivery Report 2 piasters




Status Details
Active 30 days sending and receiving
Suspended Receive calls without sending for 4 days
Inactive No sending or receiving calls for 90 days



Other details:

  • The package can be changed by dialing *404#, through the Umniah app or by contacting a call center agent
  • Targeted customers will receive a message with the offer
  • There are no fees for changing packages; you will only need to recharge the first monthly fee before changing the package
  • Dial *912# to take advantage of the free international minutes
  • You can choose only one country to benefit from the free international minutes, and you can also delete the added bundle and add another one with every line renewal
  • Recharge includes GSM and smart cards
  • A hotspot feature is available on this package
  • Early renewal is available by dialing *456#
  • A SIM card can be used on all devices (dongle, router, MIFI or tablet)
  • This offer is available for a limited time only
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