On Monday, May 22, 2023, Umniah hosted a ceremony celebrating the launch of its 5G services in the governorates of Irbid, Zarqa, and the capital, Amman.
The event was held under the patronage of Prime Minister Dr. Bisher Al-Khasawneh and was attended by a representative on his behalf, Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship Mr. Ahmad Al-Hanandeh. Bringing together senior Jordanian figures, ministers, CEOs, local and regional media representatives, Umniah’s Chairman Abdulla Bukhowa, Umniah Vice Chairman Mikkel Vinter, and Umniah’s CEO Faisal Qamhiyah attended the event.
Qamhiyah said, “We are delighted to be the first to launch 5G services in the Kingdom. This event is a special occasion to celebrate this historic achievement with our partners from public and private institutions and our customers, who have positively impacted and supported Umniah and motivated it to implement its plans and projects in a manner befitting its local and regional reputation.”
Qamhiyah emphasized that the launch of 5G services is a significant milestone for Umniah and Jordan and represents a major step forward in the country’s digital transformation. He pointed out that the benefits of 5G technology, which Jordan will benefit from in accelerating its digital transformation, are not limited to faster download and upload speeds and lower latency, but they have the ability to revolutionize various sectors such as healthcare, transportation, manufacturing, and others. Real-time data and reliable communication are essential, and he stressed Umniah’s ongoing commitment to providing its customers with the latest telecommunications and internet solutions and services.
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