ThirdEye: Fostering Efficient Production

October 2024

The key to keeping business operations thriving is finding the right solutions that optimize production, minimize errors, and offer an insight into processes to allow managers and all those involved to easily detect errors and address them and pinpoint growth opportunities.

Jordanian entrepreneur Anas Abd el Rahman takes the phrase “work smarter not harder” to heart, applying it literally and figuratively throughout his work, particularly as he created ThirdEye: a smart end-to-end solution that relies on ThirdEye data to increase operation efficiency and help businesses reach their production goals faster while alleviating mistakes and risks of failure.

What is ThirdEye and How Does it Work?

ThirdEye is an end-to-end solution that consists of the ThirdEye data collection hardware and the web-based ThirdEye application. By incorporating ThirdEye’s sensors into your factory’s production, you will be able to collect data from anywhere in your factory, use build-in analytics that will generate reports and detailed data to detect shortages and growth opportunities, thus making your production more efficient and profitable,” explained Abd el Rahman.

The implementation of this solution is simple, whereby it doesn’t require IT support. Using AI technology and cloud-based computing, this solution will track production, supply factories with Overall Equipment Effectiveness “OEE” (the Gold Standard for measuring manufacturing productivity) and out-put flow data, and track downtime.

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The data collected through ThirdEye’s sensors can be accessed from multiple interfaces connected to the cloud. It will showcase detailed reports and data analyses that will enable factories to detect faults and errors along with improvement opportunities, optimize processes, and make production more efficient.

The Challenges Faced Along the Way

Abd el Rahman stated that he never found himself within the academic realm, which is why he immersed himself directly in the field rather than enroll in college. “From a young age, I’ve always felt drawn to all those quirky things that had to do with computer and data,” the Jordanian entrepreneur said. While Abd el Rahman didn’t pursue a degree in the field of computer science nor programming, or any degree for that matter, he attended courses at Sayegh Center at the age of sixteen and worked to build up his startup Tishfeer, and later offer his promising product—ThirdEye.

However, several investors were weary of his choice, which made it difficult to market his solution. “Many people assume that a degree is cardinal for success and they frown upon all those who don’t possess one,” Abd el Rahman stated. “So, the challenge became proving the efficiency of my solutions depend less on my academic standing and more on my professional experience and skills.”

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How the Tank Helped in Bringing ThirdEye to Light

“I chose The Tank as an incubator because of its nurturing environment that relentlessly works on helping startups stand on their feet and prosper,” Abd el Rahman admitted. He went on to explain

that the thorough guidance—financially, emotionally, and technically—along with the training and networking opportunities received helped enrich ThirdEye’s module and set the pace towards its success.


On a final note, the Jordanian entrepreneur wanted to supply young minds with an important lesson he learned. “What truly defines a person is their ability to persevere despite all the obstacles on the way. Entrepreneurship is not an overnight job. Harness your talents and develop them into ideas you are proud to share.”


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