Congratulations! You finally graduated.
It’s time to take your baby steps into the real world and make a difference; set yourselves apart from the leering eyes of society and their judgmental misconceptions on who you’ll become.
Quite nerve-racking, don’t you think.
Born from 1996 and onwards, Generation Z are new Generation gearing to join the workforce alongside the current Millennials. Often regarded as the least focused of generations, Generation Z have a lot more to offer than you might think. In fact, we need to understand this new generation of leaders, rather than what we might want for them.
With big possibilities ahead for all you Generations Z’s out there, it’s time to figure out the answer to the most basic adult life question, “what do you do?”
What really makes you tick? Ask yourself this question objectively, bearing in mind your unique skills, strengths, and qualities that differentiate you from others. What talents do you possess that motivate you to a specific career or purpose? Being clear about what you would like to accomplish can help you focus on your goal and ultimately, invest your time in interpreting and understanding it. Defining your niche can help you build your own opportunities. One of your biggest objectives should be to remain viable in the workforce.
Challenges are all part of the game. Be open to this and accept to embrace failure as part of a positive experience. Challenge every opportunity to evolve and grow your skills and talent. What many people fail to realize is that Generation Z actually feel pressured to stand out and make a difference. So, keep in mind that you are the most modern and up to date generation, which means you maintain values that employers need. Be aware of the world around you where your skills and interests can value employers.
Be Fearless yet Visionary
Although critiqued, Generation Z are actually in constant communication. They are continuously wired and living in a phigital world,’ in between a physical and a digital world, only makes them the most diverse of generations. Companies need to understand this if they wish to succeed and maintain their relevance in this competitive era.
Be resilient, flexible, and shape your ambitions by meeting as many people as possible. Networking is beneficial to creating valuable connections in the workforce environment. Invest your time in learning, communicating, and asking questions that can inspire you in digging into your ideas and developing new visions to several strategies.
Enjoy the Moment
Finally, enjoy the moment. You are on a journey to discover who you are and what you’re capable of. Only this journey will help you learn and grow consistently.
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