We have all had to use public transportation at least once in our lives, and at some point, we may have dreaded it. Whether it was because of the long wait in the sun, or the impatient bouncing when it rained, we wished we could walk to the bus stop and jump on the bus promptly. However, what if we tell you there is now a solution that can solve transportation issues experienced with arrival timing, routes, or ride duration? This solution is presented by Cyborgs Technology!
Engineer Zaid Haymoor and Dr. Tareq Sanabra have been friends for over twenty-one years. During one of their frequent encounters, Haymoor shared his experience, “I needed to catch the bus to get to an appointment, and I realized that there’s an opportunity to improve coordination and centralized transportation in Jordan, through an organization transportation platform.” This way, people trying to get from point A to point B will be more aware of buses’ arrival and departure times as well as their routes.
Haymoor and Sanabra discussed the issue further. What started as a regular conversation turned into a brainstorming session. Ideas were thrown here and there for some time until the two friends decided to take action into their own hands. Eventually, they founded Cyborgs Technology, a Jordanian startup offering competitive solutions in the fields of web and mobile applications, IoT boards, and AI powered big data analysis dedicated to tending to customers’ unmet needs.
“We are aware that everyone’s struggle is different. We may all face the same problem, but we each adapt to it differently,” stated Haymoor. Building on this notion, Cyborgs Technology avoids uniformity; rather it looks at a business’s process and needs to offer a deeply customized and innovative solution. One important aspect of this startup is that it has worked for over a year on building algorithms and KPIs to provide the best and shortest route to take.
The startup happens to also be the second-place winner of Jordan Public Transportation Hackathon. They created a mobile app under the name of “Jordan lines,” an intelligent transportation system that serves as a centralized platform for public transportation, showing times, routes, duration, and virtual stops.
According to Haymoor, their biggest challenge was collecting digital data to develop their solutions. “Jordan faces a challenge in acquiring the proper data, which monitors public transportation activities.” The startup, therefore, faced a challenge in finding the data they were looking for.
In addition, when the COVID-19 took control of the world economy, they were afraid it might hinder operations; however, they found a way around it. “With the pandemic and the move towards digitization, businesses shifted towards remote work. And we began witnessing the rise of e-commerce, particularly,” stated Haymoor. With transportation and delivery being at the core of online businesses, Cyborgs Technology adapted e-commerce service options to their line up and provided several businesses with routing solutions that have eased their sales operations.
Incubation is crucial to the success of any startup. However, every incubator offers a different experience. According to Haymoor, the experience brought by The Tank was extremely valuable that he would be ready to go through it repeatedly. “I don’t know where to begin, the Tank has aided us greatly!” said the founder of Cyborgs Technology. “But I guess that two things cannot go unmentioned: the creative business space that keeps the ideas floating, and the workshops that help you build your dreams step by step.”
On a parting note, Haymoor wanted to extend some advice to anyone thinking about taking the entrepreneurial path. “An idea without a product, an investor, or a customer is only an idea. Build a plan, set some goals, and work diligently and constantly. Entrepreneurship is not only about opening a business; it is also about creating products and services that matter.”
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