Outgoing Calls :

You can dial directly or dial *131* followed by the phone number of the destination (using the full international country code) then the # key to make a call.

Example: If you are roaming in the UK, dial: *131*0096278xxxxxxx#OK (to call Umniah number) or *131*0096611xxxxxxx#OK (to call a landline in KSA – Riyadh).

Or send SMS to 1311 :

  • First, create a new SMS and insert the complete number you wish to call (ex. 00962 788 553 235) in the text body.
  • Remove the first 0 of the area code, always include the country code, even if you’re calling a local number then send the message to 1311.
  • After a few moments your phone will ring, and you will be connected to the requested number.

Incoming Calls :

Now, all of you prepaid customers can enjoy the reduced roaming rates for incoming calls, with only 20 piasters while roaming all over the world.

SMS roaming :

Is activated by default for all Umniah customers

Select the network :

You have to go to your handset’s network settings and choose one from the list provided. If the automatically selected network does not have a roaming agreement, this might be a better option for you.


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