Every year, tech junkies and futurists alike swarm to the biggest technology conference at CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas to see the latest tech and innovative technology.
Everything is faster, simpler, and sleeker than ever before. The future is here now! Discover the top 5 logs we fell in love with.
With a hefty price tag of $3,995, the Peloton Treadmill was a head turner at CES this year. First, for its 32” HD touchscreen and secondly for its diverse live streaming full body functional workouts. With this baby, who needs a gym membership?
It is interesting to see digital health taking on innovative ways to help their users. Early Sense Percept is a fertility tracker that is placed under your mattress and does the job for you. No more peeing on a stick, checking your temperature regularly, or your calendar. It eases and eliminates the extra load when it comes to making a baby, so you can focus on more important things like: making a baby.
Long gone are the days when a fridge was just a fridge that you also hung family photos on. As part of its new ThinQ range of smart home products, LG unveiled the new ThinQ Fridge. Now your fridge can not only learn your dietary habits, but also provides you with recipes, just so you won’t have trouble figuring out what to eat. It also comes with a built-in camera so you can check your fridge remotely through the app, in case you forget what you need when you’re at the grocery store.
Will humans lose their ability to drive in the future? It sounds scary but not having to curb your way through traffic anymore sounds like a great deal. Toyota has revealed its e-Palette, an autonomous car geared towards potential consumers. Having already partnered with Pizza Hut, Amazon and Uber, Toyota hopes to create a platform where businesses can deliver their products to you. Talk about a future delivery system!
To all travelers looking to scratch experiences off their bucket list comes the new Travelmate suitcase from Travelmate Robotics. With a built in GPS and sensor, the bag follows you around the airport at ease without bumping into other travelers. It also locks with your very own fingerprint. At a price tag of $1,100 for the carry-on bag, you can rest assured you’re paying for something you won’t ever lose.
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